
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

National Adoption Month - My Rant

This girl. I can’t get enough of her. She lights up simple moments of my day, then subsequently makes me want to pull my hair out. Every day I feel blessed. Not just blessed to be her mom, but blessed that my journey to motherhood has turned out so well.

Sometimes I hear  people who make naïve comments about adoption. I don’t think they realize 1) I can hear them, 2) Kaylee is adopted, or 3) what they are really saying. I really don’t make a huge effort to correct educated them. While it’s a personal subject for me, I don’t feel the need to jump into every discussion to try to “win” the argument. Honestly, it just makes my heart sad. Sad that some people won’t consider adoption at all and don’t see the beauty in it, the joy that can be found in it. I’ve seen people discussing adoption topics, and when the subject turns back on them, all of a sudden it’s an uncomfortable word and they brush the topic off with feint humility of being too underprepared to consider it for themselves (when it’s really just a nice way to say they aren’t interested). I get that adoption mostly likely isn’t people’s first choice. It wasn’t mine. But that’s almost what makes it even more beautiful: the unselfishness, the tears and  healing, and love that comes out of it. Granted, I strongly believe that God needs to call someone to adopt just like he calls people to their vocation or community or passion...pursuit without God’s leading can be a treturous road. But it hurts when people won’t even consider it. At least pray about it people!! And the excuse every uses is they don’t want a difficult child. I know so many biological children who are screwed up individuals. Genes don’t count for everything. And biology doesn’t mean “healthy”...and health is a realive term sometimes (people are scared of different).  If you are thinking “that’s easy for you to say, your daughter is a sweetheart and looks like she could be your biological kid too.”  Well, we prayed for her for 3 years...that might have had something to do with how awesome she is. And not only did we pray for her and who she was, we prayed that we would fit her, not have her fit our ideals.

Adoption might not be for everyone, but how can you say it’s not for you if you haven’t really prayed about it or educated yourself? Is your answer you talking, trying to keep your perfect ideals? What would your family look like if you prayed that God grow your family as he saw fit. And whatever that looks like, your ok with that. Orphans are special to him. Don’t you think he would honor a heart that pursues caring for those children? Maybe life would be a little bit messier, but what blessings and joys could you be missing out on?

Ok ok, maybe you  aren’t called to adopt. But you can support those who are. When is the last time you encouraged a foster mom? When is the last time you packed a shoebox? What can you do in your community to support these families who have taken a leap of faith? Just a thought...

Ok, so that’s my rant. It’s National Adoption Month and just wanted to get my opinion out there. Provoke some thought.

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