Growing up, I knew a few kids that were adopted, but I never knew the circumstances as to the story behind their adoption. I assume they were closed adoptions that happened around their birth. But it was something that wasn't really discussed. Mostly because it was nobody's business to bring it up and as far as I knew, the parents never brought it up in conversation either. While there is nothing wrong with that, I look back and wish I had heard more stories about adoption growing up. Mainly because I felt I had to keep our struggles a secret for so long and how it is almost ingrained in me for a long time not to talk about our struggles. I think opportunities have been lost in some circles where people aren't comfortable to share their struggles and encourage others through it. It's so nice to know others have stood where you stand now, and they made it through!
That's probably why I blog. It started as a way to keep people informed about our process because not alot of people in our lives know anything about adoption. Then it slowly grew to be an outlet, and a way to
So I would just encourage those who have an adoption story to share it, especially with me. You never know who is just needing to hear someone else's story and be encouraged by it. It will connect you with people in a way that is hard to describe. It's an experience you share that most people can't understand. I know I just soak up each story and struggle I hear. Each is different with its own ups and downs, struggles and joys. But it opens my eyes to things to prepare for as well and the blessings in my life. And it takes away the feeling of loneliness and replaces it with a feeling of community. Sharing yourself with others is important.
sharing yourselves with others is SO important! Even when it feels vulnerable and scary its a great way to encourage others even when you don't even realize it.